

06.-07.06.2024 : "Marietta-Blau-Saal", Main Building, Universitätsring 1 & Department of African Studies - Seminar Room 1, Spitalgasse 2


03.-04.06.2024, Schreyvogelsaal, Hofburg Vienna, Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien


Monthly Meeting: Women in Transit. The Experiences and Resettlement Practices of Displaced Women Migrating through Post-War Austria (1945-1960)

Mo, 13.05.2024, 16.45-18.15, University of Vienna, Kolingasse 14-16, OG01, Seminarraum 10


Monthly Meeting: Putting Action to Words: The Untold Stories of Brazil's "Feminine Movement"

Mo, 18.03.2024, 16.45-18.15, University of Vienna, Kolingasse 14-16, OG01, Seminarraum 10


Monthly Meeting: In the peripheries. Migratory movements on the Atlantic Coast of Honduras and Nicaragua in the 20th and 21st centuries

Do, 18.01.2024, 16.45-18.15, University of Vienna, Hauptgebäude (main building), Seminarraum 8, Hauptgebäude, Tiefparterre, Stiege 9 Hof 5


Monthly Meeting: ÖZG Bandpräsentation: Motions of Knowledge - Knowledge in Motion. Applying 'Knowledge Circulation' in Historical Research

Do, 21.12.2023, 16.45-18.15, University of Vienna, Hauptgebäude (main building), Seminarraum WISO 1 (ZG1O2.28)