
Alternative Forms of Globalization? The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) as Development Organization

International Workshop (Online Event) organized by Bertold Unfried and Claudia Martínez Hernández

13. November


Immanuel Wallerstein und die Rezeption der Weltsystem-Analyse im deutschen Sprachraum

Autor*innen Workshop (Online-Event)

6.-7. November

CfP: Toward a Global History of Economic Transfer

A Conference co-organized by East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, and the Weatherhead Initiative for Global History (WIGH), Harvard...

Film Screening: "Ahimsa: Gandhi - the Power of Powerless"

Ramesh Sharma’s Film “Ahimsa: Gandhi – the Power of Powerless”

Erstes Screening in Europa, in Anwesenheit des Regisseurs

18:00–20:30 Uhr,...

Ö1 Diagonal zum Thema Sklaverei

Andrea Komlosy und Juliane Schiel im Gespräch

Call for Papers: Reconceptualising Wage Labour

Inaugural conference of the COST Action "Worlds of Related Coercions in Work" (WORCK)

Central European University, Budapest

16-20 September 2020